Beginning Again

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
— Lao Tzu

I have wanted to gather and share my thoughts in blog form for many years, but the time has never been right. I have been working, studying, and surviving, with very thin margins around these activities for leisure.

I suddenly find myself with a great deal of unexpected free time. I have decided to use some of this time to explore new paths, including blogging.

You are probably wondering what changed. Why do I have time now when I did not previously?

I finished my doctoral degree in December, but this is the secondary reason for the reclaimed hours in each day. The primary reason is…well…I’ll be blunt: I got sacked.

I shared the following message with friends and family on February 18th, 2025, three days after being informed that I no longer had a job with the federal government.


Dear friends and family,

Thank you for the many people who have reached out to me recently. It was an honor to serve my country and to pour my heart and soul into working to create a just, fair, and prosperous nation for all people regardless or race, creed, or gender. I remain committed to this cause— loving my neighbors as myself, no exceptions— and to doing justice, seeking mercy, and walking humbly.

To my CDC former colleagues and team, thank you for the teamwork, collaboration, and supportive environment. I believe in the work you are doing, and even though I have been let go from federal service without the justification for termination that is my right, I do not hold it against CDC. Keep doing the good work and uphold the science and mission. No political affiliation impacts or reduces someone’s right to live, work, worship, and play safely and prosperously.

To the leadership above CDC and other federal agencies who have made and are making the decisions to dismiss this nations’ bright, passionate, skilled, and committed workforce, I beg your mercy. Open your eyes to the reality of the impact you are having on real people.

Set your politics aside and let your humanity have a voice in your choices. You are trying to change a system. This I can understand, agree or disagree. Think of the physics. Too much pressure applied quickly to anything inevitably breaks that thing, including a country. Meaningful change comes from careful, deliberate, exacting pressure applied slowly at the critical points. Only in this way can the shape of anything be changed.

I believe in the promise of a democratic nation where each and every person has the same rights to life, liberty, and happiness.

I will be looking for ways to continue my service to this commitment professionally.

Please feel free to private message me with any leads for employment.

I hold this nation and the whole world in light and love.


I may have lost my job, but I still want to continue to work towards building a better world. I hope that by sharing my story and providing information about various topics I can provide encouragement and empower others to action.


So, let’s get started!

What health topics are you wrestling with? Are you trying to decide if you want to vaccinate your children? Are you looking for information about a health condition? Trying to feel happier, sleep better, or eat more nutritious food?

What would you like to understand better? Do you want to know pros and cons of an issue? Are you trying to understand a policy or program?


Send me a message using the form below, and I will respond with a post.

I will NOT share your name, email address, or any identifying information about you should you choose to include any such info in your message. I will respond only to your comment or question.

Chances are, if you are wondering about something, then other people are wondering about the same thing.